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Gig pictures with my not quite clone

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:24 pm
by 64sunburst
Some pics from last Saturday's gig playing my Eastwood Sidejack. It's not a Mosrite or even a clone, but it's what I got. Pretty good guitar for what it is.




The band is called Tiki Taboo and as you can guess we play surf. This gig was called the Chinatown Surf-Lounge. Tiki print jackets from Savers.


Re: Gig pictures with my not quite clone

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:26 pm
by dubtrub
Nice looking guitar, and a real nice looking err......uh......bass guitar. ;)

Re: Gig pictures with my not quite clone

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:29 pm
by MWaldorf
Cool! I haven't played a Sidejack but I was impressed by the Eastwood Saturn I tried at a local store.

Does Tiki Taboo have a website? Of course I'm interested in hearing your music, not more pictures of your bassist. :)

Re: Gig pictures with my not quite clone

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:29 pm
by 64sunburst
I thought I'd give you guys something nice to look at besides my ugly mug. Cay, our bass player says she likes to wear shorts or short skirts while playing bass so that she can rest the bass on her bare leg. I said that's as good a reason as what you gotta do! She's kind of a novice bass player but is pretty intuitive, so she has no trouble holding the bottom down.
We don't have a website yet, but we do have a cd on CDBaby and a couple of videos on Youtube, however I'm not on the cd and I'm playing bass on the videos. THe band has gone thru some changes in the past year. 8-)

Re: Gig pictures with my not quite clone

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:02 am
by brunob
hey,what a guitar & what a cool bass player!!!!!!!
great shapes on stage!!!!!!congratulations!
I really go crazy 4 those 60's looking guitar,did you ever seen the italian Eko-500-700?.go to fetishguitar. on the web ,you'll find the right address
bruno :twisted:

Re: Gig pictures with my not quite clone

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:18 pm
by 64sunburst
Thanks Bruno. I've seen - cool website with cool guitars. My friend got an Eastwood copy of the Wandre Doris - what a cool guitar! Yeah, the EKO's are very cool. I remember seeing a greenburst Galanti sitting in the music store window when I was a kid, and I really lusted after that guitar.

I saw the Wet Tones Youtube video of Los Straitjacket's "Casbah". Really good version! WHich one are?...the red Jazzmaster or the sunburst Jaguar?
