Which one is the real Mosrite?

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Re: Which one is the real Mosrite?

Postby Hydra19 » Thu Nov 12, 2015 11:30 am

I've pulled the trigger and put it up on sale :(
Hopefully it won't sell and I'll be forced to sell a Jaguar or a Les Paul which are probably easier to sell. As much as I love Mosrites, I also do love Les Pauls and my Fender Jaguar so thought I'd probably miss a Mosrite less as I have other Mo's.

I go through phases where I might play only Mosrites, and mostly this blue one for a week or so, and then switch over to Les Pauls for another week, start listening to Gary Moore, etc, and then I put on some Ventures and get back to only playing Mosrites. The Jaguar gets the least playing time but it's got its own unique tone, and sentimental value for me, so I keep it.

Truth be told, I think Fender is the best guitar company in terms of the way it was run and the products on offer, but it's just so mellow compared to a Mosrite in sound but I do love the whammy bar feel on the Jag and it's so comfortable to play

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